Wednesday, July 2, 2014
Scientists Study Non-fossilized Dinosaur Tissue
The Society is conducting a research initiative to study tissue found in
dinosaur fossils. Such fossils are dated by the standard geologic time
scale as at least 60 million years old. In 2005, work was published
showing evidence that non-fossilized tissue (e.g., red blood cells, bone
cells, etc.) was found within the fossilized bone of aTyrannosaurus
rex dinosaur. Since 2005, additional studies have documented even more
soft tissue in so-called ancient fossils, including the detection of
intact proteins and even nucleic acids. Such results directly challenge
the entire evolutionary “millions of years” timeframe. This timeframe
is readily (and often uncritically) accepted by most scientists and even
many claiming to be “creationists.” Read more here:HERE