Recently, I had the opportunity to visit the American Museum of Natural History in NYC. I especially was interested in their famous dinosaur displays. What I found there were some nice displays that show the amazing creatures dinosaurs were....and a lot of fairy-tale like stories of their history. My husband and I talked with a lot of other visitors who noticed the same thing. We discussed with them the Biblical perspective of their presence on earth and the likely reason for their demise (The Biblical Flood and harsh world following).
Can't See the Forest for the Trees
by Brian Thomas, M.S. *
One poster described a duck-bill dinosaur (hadrosaur) called Tanius from China and provided two different phylogenetic tree options—an inadvertent but open admission that they don't really know which scenario is correct. Maybe neither. The poster authors wrote, "Tanius sinensis shows a complex of derived and primitive characteristic generating considerable character conflict and resulting in a loss of resolution among non-hadrosaurid hadrosauroids."1 In other words, instead of revealing itself as between other evolutionary forms, Tanius looked quite unique.
*Mr. Thomas is Science Writer at the Institute for Creation Research.
Article posted on October 28, 2015.